The AGM was held this year at St. Larry’s Pub, St. Lawrence College. A Coffee House and social time prior to the meeting and over lunch allowed for great interaction among colleagues and friends.
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Pennie Carr-Harris, president of the association who welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out. She also reminded us “Life is good, gets better everyday”.
#1. Report of the President, Pennie Carr-Harris
Pennie outlined the ‘event calendar’ for 2023.
o AGM & Spring Coffee House
o Strawberry Social
o 25th Annual Golf Tournament & 19th hole gathering,
o Fall Social
o Holiday Gathering
We had a great year in 2022-23.We had five events over the year and 130+ members and guests attended. On the issue of the Golf Day, Pennie thanked Ron Robinson, Steve Graves and Jerry Zabel who organized the golf event for the first day of each school year for 24 years! The SLC Retirees Association will be taking over the honorary tasks.
She identified the Association 2023 objectives: 1) increase the membership; 2) improving our marketing strategies and re-branding our name; and 3) financial planning. Pennie and Janet Reid will be presenting a workshop at the College’s 2023 Learning Conference in correlation or is it in conjunction with the CAAT Pension. This presentation will be located on the HR intranet site for future potential retirees.
#2. Treasurer’s Report
Thelma Mott Thelma reported that the Association had a balance of $4539.40 as of April 30, 2023. Expenditures included a donation to the Lionheart Charity Donation, and the provision of a $500 student bursary. Thelma reported that we have 106 Life Members and 32 annual members up to date with their payments. Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report was moved by Nancy Sudak and seconded by Brenda Charette, carried. .
#3. Election of Officers
Nominations from the floor called by Janet Reid.
President – Pennie Carr-Harris, moved by Chuck Molson, seconded by Brenda Charette, carried.
VicePresident – Nancy Sudak, moved by Clare Rayner, seconded by Thelma Mott, carried. Secretary – Janet Reid, moved by Clare Rayner, seconded by Brenda Charette, carried.
Treasurer/Membership – Thelma Mott, moved by John Anderson, seconded by Paul VanNest, carried.
WebMaster – Ron Kelly, moved by Paul VanNest, seconded by Bill Kirby, carried.
Executive Members at Large - Clare Rayner, Bill Kirby, and Dick Tindal, moved by Ian Wilson, seconded by Nancy Sudak, carried.
#4. C. Richard Tindal Award of Merit
The honour this year was awarded to Bill Kirby, who demonstrated leadership as coordinator of the BST program both locally and provincially, was a key supporter and contributor to the development of the degree program in Behavioral Sciences.
In presenting the award Pennie Carr-Harris, president of the SLC Retirees Association, recognized Bill’s leadership in the development of our Association. Bill is one of the Founders of our Association. He was the leader in getting the Association 'off the ground'. He was our first 'webmaster', helping retirees to receive information online. He has remained an active, thoughtful, dedicated contributor to the Association at the Executive level ever since. Bill attends most of our events, if not all, and encourages others to do so. He always makes sure everyone feels welcome. He is a gentle soul with unquestionable ethics.
#5. SLC Retirees Association Student Bursary
Award Pennie reported that the award had been granted in 2022 to a Kingston student, in accordance with the criteria established by the Association. While the Association has not had any direct contact from the student, the College Awards staff have assured us a thank you note was received by that office.
#6. Charitable Organization donation
Pennie asked for nominations from the members present. Brenda Charette nominated Kingston Food Banks, as well as other nominations from the floor for Birthright Kingston, Dawn House, Martha’s Table and Kingston Humane Society. Ballots were cast and a donation will be made to Kingston Food Bank. Moved by Bill Kirby and seconded by Clare Rayner. Carried.
#7. Other Business
Requested by Janet Reid, to change the Secretary title to Administrative Co-ordinator will be revisited in the Fall 2023, requiring constitution changes. Moved by Ian Wilson, seconded by Bill Kirby, carried. Further discussion later for the re-branding of our marketing name to SLC Retirees Network.
The meeting adjourned at 11:35am.
Financial Report
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Pennie Carr-Harris, president of the association who welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out. She also reminded us “Life is good, gets better everyday”.
#1. Report of the President, Pennie Carr-Harris
Pennie outlined the ‘event calendar’ for 2023.
o AGM & Spring Coffee House
o Strawberry Social
o 25th Annual Golf Tournament & 19th hole gathering,
o Fall Social
o Holiday Gathering
We had a great year in 2022-23.We had five events over the year and 130+ members and guests attended. On the issue of the Golf Day, Pennie thanked Ron Robinson, Steve Graves and Jerry Zabel who organized the golf event for the first day of each school year for 24 years! The SLC Retirees Association will be taking over the honorary tasks.
She identified the Association 2023 objectives: 1) increase the membership; 2) improving our marketing strategies and re-branding our name; and 3) financial planning. Pennie and Janet Reid will be presenting a workshop at the College’s 2023 Learning Conference in correlation or is it in conjunction with the CAAT Pension. This presentation will be located on the HR intranet site for future potential retirees.
#2. Treasurer’s Report
Thelma Mott Thelma reported that the Association had a balance of $4539.40 as of April 30, 2023. Expenditures included a donation to the Lionheart Charity Donation, and the provision of a $500 student bursary. Thelma reported that we have 106 Life Members and 32 annual members up to date with their payments. Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report was moved by Nancy Sudak and seconded by Brenda Charette, carried. .
#3. Election of Officers
Nominations from the floor called by Janet Reid.
President – Pennie Carr-Harris, moved by Chuck Molson, seconded by Brenda Charette, carried.
VicePresident – Nancy Sudak, moved by Clare Rayner, seconded by Thelma Mott, carried. Secretary – Janet Reid, moved by Clare Rayner, seconded by Brenda Charette, carried.
Treasurer/Membership – Thelma Mott, moved by John Anderson, seconded by Paul VanNest, carried.
WebMaster – Ron Kelly, moved by Paul VanNest, seconded by Bill Kirby, carried.
Executive Members at Large - Clare Rayner, Bill Kirby, and Dick Tindal, moved by Ian Wilson, seconded by Nancy Sudak, carried.
#4. C. Richard Tindal Award of Merit
The honour this year was awarded to Bill Kirby, who demonstrated leadership as coordinator of the BST program both locally and provincially, was a key supporter and contributor to the development of the degree program in Behavioral Sciences.
In presenting the award Pennie Carr-Harris, president of the SLC Retirees Association, recognized Bill’s leadership in the development of our Association. Bill is one of the Founders of our Association. He was the leader in getting the Association 'off the ground'. He was our first 'webmaster', helping retirees to receive information online. He has remained an active, thoughtful, dedicated contributor to the Association at the Executive level ever since. Bill attends most of our events, if not all, and encourages others to do so. He always makes sure everyone feels welcome. He is a gentle soul with unquestionable ethics.
#5. SLC Retirees Association Student Bursary
Award Pennie reported that the award had been granted in 2022 to a Kingston student, in accordance with the criteria established by the Association. While the Association has not had any direct contact from the student, the College Awards staff have assured us a thank you note was received by that office.
#6. Charitable Organization donation
Pennie asked for nominations from the members present. Brenda Charette nominated Kingston Food Banks, as well as other nominations from the floor for Birthright Kingston, Dawn House, Martha’s Table and Kingston Humane Society. Ballots were cast and a donation will be made to Kingston Food Bank. Moved by Bill Kirby and seconded by Clare Rayner. Carried.
#7. Other Business
Requested by Janet Reid, to change the Secretary title to Administrative Co-ordinator will be revisited in the Fall 2023, requiring constitution changes. Moved by Ian Wilson, seconded by Bill Kirby, carried. Further discussion later for the re-branding of our marketing name to SLC Retirees Network.
The meeting adjourned at 11:35am.
Financial Report